Thursday, December 30, 2010

1/1/2011 - Announcements

The Parish Councils and Fr.Raymond wish ALL Parishioners and friends " A Spirit-filled NEW YEAR 2011! ! May the newborn infant JESUS continue to fill our hearts with His Peace, Love, Joy & Hope! God Bless everyone!!" 

Daily masses:

5-7/1- Evening prayer at 6.15, Mass at 6.30 p.m.

Negeri District Family Life Ministry:  Formation for all interested on Sat 26-2-2011
(3-5pm) at S.Aloysius Hall, Mantin. Speakers: Andrew & Andrene (KL). To register, contact; Fr. Raymond or Mr.Anthony Chia.

KL Clergy Annual Pastoral Assembly on 18-20 Jan' 2011.

Your talents are a gift from God. Share them.

Liturgical Ministry; those interested to join as Lectors, commentators, Altar servers, Wardens- pls register/ contact Fr.Raymond immediately.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Announcements: 18 Dec 2010

Christmas Greetings: The Parish Councils and Fr.Raymond wish ALL Parishioners and friends " A Very Blessed & Merry CHRISTMAS & A Spirit-filled NEW YEAR 2011! ! May the newborn infant JESUS continue to fill our hearts with His Peace, Love, Joy & Hope! God Bless everyone!!" 

Christmas Masses:
CHRISTMAS EVE -24-12-2010 (Fri) -
9pm - Christmas Play & Carolling;
10pm - Mass.

CHRISTMAS DAY -25-12-2010 (Sat) - 9am - Mass
Note: No Sunset Mass (6.00pm) on 25/12.

A Word of Thanks: To ALL who dedicated their services to our recent Carolling, Gotong-Royong and Parish Christmas Party. God Bless all of you!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A Word of Thanks to the
Carollers who went round
bringing cheer.
May God Bless you and your family.