Friday, August 31, 2012

Announcements 2-9 Sept 2012

Sacrament of Confirmation: on Sunday 9-9-2012 at 9am by His Grace, Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. Let us also pray for all our confirmands that the Holy Spirit deepen their faith and be courageous witnesses for Christ!

BLESSING of the New ST.THERESA PASTORAL CENTRE, NILAI is on Sunday 9/9/2012 after 9am Mass by His Grace, Archbishop Murphy Pakiam.


Class:  2/9,
No class: 9/9 (Confirmation & STPC blessing)
Class & Catechetical Sunday : 16/9- Theme: Rooted in Christ. 

Baptism of Infants: Pls register immediately.

From Thursday 27/9 (7pm Novena, & 7.30pm Mass); Friday 28/9 (7pm Novena, & 7.30pm Mass); Saturday 5.30pm Mass; Sunday 30/9 (9am Mass). * Half an hour before Mass Novena. All Masses are multi-lingual. Donations in cash or kind are most welcome. Pls contact Parish Office. TQ.

STC Annual Dinner:
24th Nov.
Restoran Shengee Mantin.
Please see Mr Jude for more info.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Announcements 12 Aug -19 Aug 2012

 STPC Bookings:
18-20 August' 12: Nilai Vietnamese Group: 24-26 August' 12: SFA Alpha Youth Camp.
PPC Meeting: Thursday 16/8/012 - 7.30pm. 

ASSUMPTION OF THE B.V. MARY ( Holy Day of Obligation):
Tue 14/8/2012: 7.15pm Mass;
Wed 15/8/2012: 7.15pm Mass.

WELCOME: We warmly welcome the Golden Parishioners from CDM, Shah Alam on Sunday 12/8/2012 at 3.00pm. Thank You all for your kind visit and donation. God Bless.

BLESSING of the New ST.THERESA PASTORAL CENTRE, NILAI is on Sunday 9/9/2012 after 9am Mass by His Grace, Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. 

Catechism of the Catholic Church:
What happens in Confirmation? In > Confirmation the soul of a baptized Christian is imprinted with a permanent seal that can be received only once and marks this individual forever as a Christian. The gift of the Holy Spirit  is the strength from above in which this  individual puts the graces of his Baptism into practice through his/her life and acts as a"witness" for Christ. [1302-1305, 1317]. YOUCAT n. 205.
Confirmation: Sacrament of Confirmation is on Sunday 9/9/2012. Formation session for ALL receiving Confirmation on Tuesday 21/8/2012 (9am -4pm). Attendance is Compulsory. Contact: Aileen. 

MERDEKA DAY MASS: 31 August at 9am. Let us Pray for the peace and prosperity of our beloved MALAYSIA!
STC Annual Dinner: 20 Oct.