Friday, May 25, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 27 May to 3 June 2012
Mass: Sat (9/6) at 6.30pm followed by procession.
Mass: Sunday  (10/6) at 9.00am

Wed 31/5:
Mass at 6.30pm
 followed by
Living Rosary at

PCC Meeting: Friday 1/6/2012 at 7.30pm.
RCIA starting in JUNE 2012
Those interested please register at the Secretariat.
Those interested in taking part in the liturgy as lectors, cantors, commentators, choir, please see Mrs Magdalene or Mr Jude.
Hospitality Ministers from the Church of Divine Mercy, Shah Alam will visit us on 10/6/2012 at 3pm.

STC Secretariate: For ALL correspondence and Mass bookings, donations, etc.,  pls refer to the STC Secretariate. TQ. Office Hours:
Mon-Fri : 8.30am - 5pm
Weekends: Before and after masses.

STC Youth committee:
Leader: Surendran Nicholas
Asst: Marsila
Secretary: Caroline
 Youth sponsored mass on 16/6/2012@6.30pm followed by fellowship. Open to all youth.

organised by Assunta Hospital
29/6 (1.00pm- 6.30pm)
30/6 (9.00am - 6.30pm)
Cost: RM80/person
Contact: Barbara Khoo:
016 974 1982

Friday, May 18, 2012

Announcements 19-26 May 2012

Some news;
1. Fund-raising buffet is postponed.
2. Tamil Mass: NO Tamil Mass on 27/5. Due to unavailability of Tamil-speaking priests the Tamil Mass will be postponed until further notice.
3. Rosary 31/5: Mass at 6.30pm followed by Rosary at 7pm. 
Rosary: Month of May is Rosary month. All BECs are to organise Rosary Prayers in their
respective BECs.
31st May  in the Church.: Mass at 6.30pm followed by LIVING Rosary at 7pm.

Legion of Mary (E/T/BM/ C): Those intending to join pls see Father asap.
4. 46th World Day of Social Communications: Sunday 20/5/2012. Special Collection.
5. PPC Meeting: Thursday 24/5.2012 at 8pm.
7. ** Weekday Masses: Tuesday- Friday. 6.30pm.
8.Pentecost Sunday; 27/5/2012.
Novena to the Holy Spirit 18/5/-27/5/12 @ 6.30pm
9. St. Theresa Pastoral Center: New Telephone No: 06- 7940160.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

MAY CALENDAR:- KL Clergy Recollection: Tues 15 & Wed 16/5. Pls pray for our priests. Tamil Mass: Sun 13/5 & 27/5 at 5.30pm. BM Mass: Ahad 20/5/2011: Masa: 1 petang.. PPC Meeting: Thursday 24/5/2012 at 8pm. 

Mass Times: 
Sunday (13/5)         9am   Mass  | 5.30pm Mass (Tamil)
Tuesday (15/5)        No Mass - Clergy Recollection
Wednesday (16/5)   7.30pm Mass (Vigil of Ascension)
Thursday (17/5)       7.00pm Mass (Ascension-Day of Obligation)
Friday (18/5)            6.30pm Mass
Saturday (19/5)        6.00pm Novena   |  6.30pm Mass
Sunday (20/5)          9am Mass | 1.00pm Mass (Bahasa)

Sunday School: no Sunday School on 13/5 - Mother's Day
THURSDAY 17/5/2012: Day of Obligation.
Wed (16/5) @ 7.30pm - Vigil of Ascension
Thu, (17/5) @ 7.00pm. 

Novena to the Holy Spirit
18/5/-27/5/12 @ 6.30pm

Rosary: Month of May is Rosary month. All
BECs are to organise Rosary Prayers in their respective BECs. We will end the Rosay month on Thursday 31st May with the LIVING ROSARY at 7pm in the Church.
Legion of Mary (E/T/BM/ C): Those intending to join pls see Father asap.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Announcements 6 May 2012- 12 May 2012

Mass Times: Sunday: 9am Saturday: Novena at 6pm, Mass at 6.30pm ST Pastoral Center: has received our CCC/CF! Let us Praise and Thank God for it! MAY CALENDAR:- Vietnamese Mass: Sunday 6/5 Negeri District Pastoral Team: Meeting on Thursday 10/5 at 8pm. at PD. Tamil Masses; will be on Sunday 13/5 and Sun 27/5 at 5.30pm. BM MASS; 20/5 (Sun) at 1.00pm. Rosary: Month of May is Rosary month. All BECs are to organise Rosary Prayers in their respective BECs. We will end the Rosay month on Thursday 31st May with the LIVING ROSARY at 7pm in the Church. Legion of Mary (E/T/BM/ C): Those intending to join pls see Father asap. MEETINGS:- Youth Meeting: 5/5 @ 7.30pm. Choir Meeting: 6/5 @ 10.30am. All choir members to attend. Those interested to join the choir are welcomed. PENTECOST Novena to the Holy Spirit 18/5/-27/5/12 @ 6.30pm STC Fund Raising Buffet Dinner: 14/7/12 @7.30pm. RM30/person, at STC Pastoral Centre. Marriages: Couples intending to marry must see Father 6mths BEFORE ANY preparations are done. Convalidation of Marriages: Couples who need to convalidate their Marriages pls see Father asap. STC new Pastoral Center:  Donations (Cash or kind) are most welcome for:- i) Furnishing our new building - Chairs, tables, thin  mattreses, pillows, bedsheets, LCD Projecters & screen, Office equiptments, Household electrical items, etc. ii) Landscaping (plants, pots, flowers ) Pls see Father/Anthony Chia. TQ.  Please address cheques to: Church of Saint Theresa, Nilai.