Friday, August 28, 2009

Catholic Students Camp 2009: A Total Gathering In Christ and Amity in Brotherhood

By Franc Fagah Utoo (Nigeria),College of Law,INTI Uni.Col

What has come to become the Annual Catholic Students Camp staged in the traditional venue of Port Dickson took place between Friday,24th July and Sunday,26th July 2009 at the La Salle Bungalow, Port Dickson.

A remarkable part of this year's camp was the high improvement in attendance as it triples the one recorded last year. This, understandably was due majorly to the fact that unlike last year's, this year's camp was held while most schools were in session. The beauty of the gathering was that for the first time in the lives of many of the students close and intimate relationships were established with friends of diverse backgrounds and race as nearly all the major continents of the world were represented in the camp.

Campers went straight into action on arrival at the camp on the first day, as they all converge on the beach for some fun games and swimming. In the process, new acquaitances and friends were made as the games served as a channel for introduction of members, meeting of minds and getting to understand each other intimately. At the sea side, other campers were desirous of showing off their swimming skills whereas others expressed their fears for such a large volume of water and preferred to swim close to the bank.

All was set for the first devotional activity of the night after shower and sumptious dinner when the ever knowledgeable and amiable Dr. Sherman Kuek , who was the Pastoral Associate for Formation and Youth Ministry in the Church of Seremban (presently serving as Director of the Pastoral Institute of the Diocese of Melaka Johor Diocese) engaged the campers with the first lesson of the camp as he comprehensibly elaborated on what we mean and who we are as catholics. He spoke on how catholics allowed themselves to slow down in faith despite being blessed with the fullness of faith. At the end, he gave campers an assignment to be explained the following day and centred on the theme of this year's camp," MAKING IT COUNT", explaining that we have to create a way to make our lives a worthy example to other christians as christ's worthy ambassadors.

On Saturday morning after breakfast,our charismatic and highly inspirational Rev.Fr.Michael Chua took time to lecture campers on stereotypes and it's devastating effect on inter-personal and social relations,and asked us to be examples of how to unite in the midst of diversity. He also, admonished campers to imbibe the leadership spirit and be ready to lead for worthy causes or support those who sacrifice in leading for a good cause. In his characteristic self, Fr.Mike delved into pragmatism by dividing campers into 2 groups with one group asked to construct a bridge while the other was to prevent the construction of the bridge to their end of the river. Not knowing what was the exact reason for this task, campers from the two camps engaged themselves in tussles over the construction of the bridge. We were all surprised when he brilliantly explained that the moral of the practice was to learn the art of negotiation for peace and love. For if those virtues practiced by both parties, there could have been a hitch free construction to serve the interests of both sides.

Further activities for Saturday were galore of fun as campers engaged in swimming, tele match, banana boat ride, football, dancing, singing, and the day's activities culminated with a VERY HIGH CLASS BBQ,dinner and naughty fun games..
Camp came to and end on Sunday after Mass by Fr.Michael Chua.

The high point of this year's camp was the exclusive, sumptuous, and more than adequate meals that caused some students to accuse Fr.Mike of trying to overfeed them. Others were the relationships established, the discipline imbibed, the spirit of brotherhood reflected despite our various backgrouds as typified by the way we ate together, slept together, and play together. IT WAS A LIVE OF COMPLETE BROTHERHOOD AND A TRUE TEST OF OUR CIVILIZATION AND FAITH IN CHRIST. OUR LIVES WILL SURELY COUNT!!!

Below is an excerpt of brief comments by campers:

"Great, fantastic......." -Bagas Wira Paksi (Indonesia) Nilai U.C

"Unity among Catholics from different parts of the world" - Dennis Clement (Malaysia) I.M.U

"I am proud to be a Catholic, aren't you" - Diderot Diffo,(Cameroun) INTI-UC

"It was so nice meeting my fellow youth and getting together. The teachings from Fr.Mike also improved my way of live" - Jacqualine Sayi (Tanzania) Nilai UC

" As if it shouldn't have end' - Shaun Mirandah (Malaysia) Mal.Inst.Of Aviation Tech

"It was really fun and an avenue to make lot of friends"- Godfrey Akpakwu (Nigeria) Notthingham Univ. (Masters student)

" Highly spiritual and socially oriented" - Nicole Asha (Malaysia) Monash Univ.

"The camp was nice and fun too,esp.the games. I love the camp...... but I won't smile. We should have such occassions very often" Mariam Nannono (Uganda) NILAI UC

"Being able to show my true colors and being accepted was ^^ ^^*grins* " -Maria, INTI-UC

See you again next year in Jesus name

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