Congratulations to All the 16 First Communicants. may they continue to live the Eucharstic Christ. God Bless them.
Sunday 21/11/2010 after mass. Please give your fullest support!
PARISH CENSUS will be taken in the church on 27-28/11/2010. Please bring a pen along and give your co-operation.
18/12/2010 (Sat) after sunset mass @ STC
All are invited: Parents, children, students, migrant workers.
Please register at Church entrance before 12/12/2010.
Registration Fee:
RM15.00 per family, RM5.00 per student/ single adult
Game categories:
Children ages 2-4, 5-8, 9-12, Teenagers/ Single Adults/ Family
Volunteers needed for the organising of the party. Please contact 017 3962977 (Mr Maurice).
Gotong -Royong will be held on 11/12 (Sat) @ 8.00am.
Donations in cash and kind are most welcome. All donations to be passed to Mrs Maria Pakianathan (012 2458157).
CAROLLING (9/10/11 Dec )
Please register at the Church Entrance
Practise on Saturdays and Sundays
after mass. (Attire during carolling, black pants/ skirt with white/ red tops + Santa/ Santarina hat:)
by Mr. Bruno Pereira (from API, KL):
Next session 23/11 - 7.30-9.30pm @ STC. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please bring along your bible and writing material.
Your talents are a gift from God. Share them.
Volunteers: The Parish welcomes those willing to render their services to serve in the parish ministries (Liturgy, Tamil Apostolate, Choir, etc). Ministers of hospitality (men/women). Altar Servers:
Those interested pls contact Fr.Raymond.
Wanted: St. Theresa is in need of a Van for the parish. Anyone willing to donate/donations are most welcome. Contact Fr. Raymond.
CHOIR PRACTICE will be held every Saturday after mass. For more information, please contact Mr Jude D Silva (013 3603274).
General admin: PFC: Those requesting for cash from the Parish, pls submit the completed Reguest forms to the PFC Chairperson for consideration. Contact: Mrs. Maria Pakianathan (012 2458157).
Meeting at STC:
Liturgical Meeting: on Weds 24/11 at 7.15pm.
Evening prayers: Before weekday Masses, at 6.20pm.
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